I want to write down my game so far...
Final 18We learn we all have an immunity idol. But we share it with 3 peoples! I shared it with John
and Silas... So in my head it came like they were my ennemy! Well, we won first Ic and Adam
got voted off in the opposite tribe.
Final 17Double-Tribal Council that episode! We lost first so I targetted Becky since I knew she was
easy targets. I still had no alliances... I was playing alone! She got voted off.
Final 16In the opposite tribe, John is voted out! Yayy! Someone of less that shares his idol with me
Final 15 We won immune and Amanda is voted out.
Final 14Silas gets voted out then I have the idol for myself!
Final 13 In our tribe, which was Gary/Erik/Heidi/Sherea/Me, We made a
strong alliance between
me,heidi and sherea! So gary and erik were the outskirts! But to not be targetted, I made
an alliance with both of them. We were scared that they uses the idol so I lied to Erik saying
Gary was out this tribal council! It worked... and Erik gets voted OUT.
Final 12Melinda gets voted out in the opposite tribe.
Final 11This is a merge! We almost all targetted Rob... I was in so I voted Rob. I made a little alliance
with Erin, unfortunately, Rob uses his idol and Erin is voted out.
Final 10We made an alliance between me,Lindsey,Sherea,Heidi,gary and Sherea! I planned to
make a SURPRISE TRIBAL COUNCIL! ;D So I told all them to "shut up and keeps it secret"
we all voted Todd. BANG! Todd is OUT.
Making Heidi having someone in less in her idol.
(Same for Lindsey).
Final 9At that point, the host made a twist that I knew would create a LOT OF DRAMA! It was
me/gary/sherea. (Oh crap! No outskirts in our tribe
All my friends!)) And Heidi/Rob/Austin
and Lindsey/Tijuana/Alex. I was thinking voting all volta out because only Lindsey of our
alliance was there. But things got more complicated... and We lost! I changed my mind
thousands of time... and I finally voted Gary but I didn't controlled it... I didn't wanted to
campaing at all. Sherea got voted off.
Final 8Now, Volta lost ;D So everyone were targetting Lindsey except me... Everyone were telling
her she's safe. I sent her a size 4 letters: "USE YOUR IDOL! AND VOTE ALEX!" Alex'd be harder
to vote out than Tijuana
So by two votes... Alex gets voted out!
Final 7At this point, stupid me... I thought we could delete our post... anyway, I told Lindsey not
delete but modifing only but she deleted and made everything confusing, things came over
and over making the host so mad that he sent us all to tribal council! I knew Gary was in
trouble, But I posted I use it before
But now things helps me more
I'm more safe alone
than with gary